Human Geography

People and their Environment

The human geography track embraces the study of cultural aspects throughout the world and how they relate to the spaces and places where they originate and then travel, as people continually move across various areas.

As such, it encompasses a large range of topics, such as tourism, environmental conflicts, social resilience, population and gender issues, geographical representations of the sea.

In this perspective, the human geography track analyzes human activities, their specific social organizations and their consequences in coastal and island environments, and maritime life, including a variety of topics, and combining subjects as law, sociology, tourism studies, cultural and political geography, spatial analysis and cartography.

Students will spend part of their time in the field, following a range of methodological approaches in different case studies. They will also learn principles of evolutionary psychology as a tool for understanding interpersonal group dynamics and environment adaptation.

On these topics, we offer the following courses:

  • Chemistry of Marine Environment
  • Coastal and Marine Hazard and Resilience
  • Environmental Justice and Geopolitics of the Sea
  • Human Geography of Small Island Systems
  • International Law of the Sea
  • Ocean Resources Law and Policy
  • Coastal and Marine Tourism
  • Maritime Sociology